
Science and Technology

What are defensins and what do they do?
Defensins are natural messaging molecules found in our body. Defensins do not cause inflammation or sun-sensitivity. Defensins are produced in the skin by our immune cells, neutrophils. DefenAge contains an identical copy of human defensins made via bio-synthesis.   The age-repairing nature of these natural molecules was discovered by scientists at DefenAge® while researching cell therapies for wound healing and Type I Diabetes. During the course of their research, our scientific team made an extraordinary discovery: two members of the defensin family have surprising benefits for aging skin in cosmeceutical skincare. Alpha-defensin 5 communicates specifically with Skin Master Cells to unlock the skin’s age-corrective potential. Beta-defensin 3 significantly improves skin’s barrier functions. This discovery was so novel and unexpected we are patenting the use of these molecules for anti-aging purposes. Read more about defenins in the Defensins eBook, click here.
Why do dermatologists recommend defensins?
Let us share a few links: Defensins-technology and DefenAge: Video review by Penny Smith, Master Aesthetician, Portland, OR. To watch the video on Penny Smith' channel click here. Science and clinical studies behind defensins: Video webinar by Amy Taub, MD, Dermatologist, Lincolnshire, IL. To watch the video on Dr. Taub's channel click here.
What is Clean Beauty in DefenAge?
Please visit our new Clean Beauty Page, we have all the answers there!  
Why should animal- and human- derived ingredients be a concern?
Because such ingredients bring safety risk, we screen our ingredients to remove any potential risk that may come with using human or animal-sourced products. By excluding such sources, we remove the possibility of infections and diseases that can be traced to living cells and tissues, so we do not use growth factors or cell media produced by living cells nor do our products contain any animal or human cells, stem cells, blood cells, placental cells, other tissues or any substances that they may produce. Instead, we rely on advanced and safe alternative bio-sources and standards used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. DefenAge, through these strict rules, has raised the expectations of safety in skincare and cosmetics by being "free from animal- and human-derived ingredients."
Is DefenAge safe?
All products made by DefenAge® are tested on humans, not other animals. We do not believe animal studies are accurate enough to determine human safety. Nor are they ethical. To prove safety we put our products through a rigorous series of clinical tests. Among these are: 30-Day HRIPT (Human Repeat Insult Patch Test) to determine irritancy and allergy potential of a leave-on product. Results are reviewed and signed by a board certified dermatologist. 14-Day Clinical Evaluation of Ophthalmologic Safety for all products used around the eye. Products are tested for safe use around the eye and for safe use by contact lens wearers. Results are reviewed and signed by a board certified ophthalmologist.