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Skin Issues that Menopause Might Cause and How to Prevent Them


Menopause is defined as the time when women’s natural hormones – specifically estrogen – are no longer produced, creating hormone or estrogen deficiency without supplementation. This transition often begins between 45 and 55, and it’s the worst!

We know that 50 is the new 30 for both attitude and aesthetics, so we have tips from Charlotte, NC dermatologist Elizabeth Rostan M.D. to ensure your skin is reflecting how youthful you feel!

Dr. Rostan shares, “Estrogen is essential for healthy skin, heart, bones and other organs and without estrogen, these organs show significant changes. After menopause, the skin becomes thinner and drier with reduced elasticity and resiliency. These changes lead to the appearance of sagging skin and deeper wrinkles as well as sallow, more transparent skin color.”

Dr. Rostan

Here’s what she recommends to patients to optimize skin during this period and beyond:

  1. I encourage all my patients to consider and get professional advice on hormone replacement in the early menopause period. I believe estrogen has numerous health benefits that should be considered in order to maximize post-menopause health and life quality. Benefits to skin, heart, and bones are well documented and there is evidence of benefit in cognition, mood, sex life, sleep and many other aspects of a well balanced and healthy life after menopause.
  2. We recommend DefenAge Skincare for the treatment of aging skin because of its ability to stimulate renewal of new upper skin layer cells. This is particularly helpful in post-menopausal skin that is thinner and more fragile. DefenAge harnesses the power of a group of molecules called defensins that stimulate healing and renewal of the skin as if in response to injury – but without the injury.
  3. I also encourage healthy diet, exercise, sleep, stress avoidance and active social life and engagements.

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